Release: December 2022
Season: Winter 2024
Season: Spring-Summer 2024
Schedule: Sunday, 8 PM
Véronique Cloutier
Shirley Théroux, Mario Pelchat, Erick Rémy, Boucar Diouf, Alicia Moffet and Josélito Michaud
Daniel Vigneault
Information to come
Information to come
Information to come
After “L'ombre et la lumière” and “Loto-Méno”, Véronique Cloutier tries to understand the relationship we have with rumor and gossip. Through exchanges with Quebec public figures who have been the subject of gossip, Véro explores the relationship between our love-hate and spilling the truth.
Throughout her research, she will meet artists who were and are at the heart of rumor and gossip, journalists, columnists whose job is (or was) to gossip, editors-decision-makers-influencers who decide to publish (or not publish) gossip. Véro will also meet psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists etc who will dissect the "why-and-how" of gossip.
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