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The best documentaries from Canada and around the world. With a special emphasis on feature length films, watching documentary is like having a cinema in your own living room
This fall a number of exciting titles are coming to documentary Channel - see below for their release months and what you have to look forward to. This robust collection of thought-provoking and eye opening works will drive reflection and discussion.
(3 part x 30min series)
Inside our world there is another: an alternate reality, on a different scale.
Fear of Dancing
(documentary Channel Original Feature)
Chronicling Michael's journey across 4 continents exploring dance through the eyes of those that just don't get it.
Good People
(5 part x 30min series)
Inside our world there is another: an alternate reality, on a different scale.
(documentary Channel Original Feature)
Revolution is coming. It will save lives, increase urban green spaces and end gridlock. There's plenty to gain. But what do we lose?
Samuel L. Jackson leads this blue-chip documentary series, tracing the history of slavery through underwater archaeology.
Legends of the Deep
(3 part series)
This series features Céline and Fabien Cousteau as they dive deep to explore some of the greatest ocean riddles of all time. Armed with their family's passion and pioneering spirit, Céline and Fabien head beneath the waves in search of answers.
Clydesdale: Saving the Greatest Horse
(documentary Channel Original Feature)
One woman’s passionate quest takes her to the Canadian Prairies to rescue Scotland’s Clydesdale horse from the edge of extinction.
Fine Lines
An introspective journey on the lessons life has taught 20 of the world’s most elite group of mountain adventurers and why risk is so vital to their lives.
The Fence
(documentary Channel Original Feature)
The same day the Japanese army bombed Pearl Harbor they also occupied Hong Kong. Canadian soldiers defending Hong Kong endured one of the longest and most brutal POW interments of WWII, marked by oppression, cruelty and constant hunger.
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